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Are you squeezing all you can from your e-commerce site?

A 1-second delay in load time equals an 11% loss in page views and a 7% drop in conversions.

If a website sells $100K per day, a 1-second improvement in load times generates an additional $7K daily

For a retail website, better user experience and faster load times equal more sales. Period.

For a very robust e-commerce site, that requires a lot of retooling under the hood, but it’s worth every penny.

Because if a customer doesn’t have a great experience when they buy from you, they won’t be back.

Customers expect fast load times, easy to find products and a fast way to buy. If you aren’t all in on all 3, you’re leaving money on the table which finds its way into your competitors’ pockets. Sometimes in minutes.

Geneca provides custom solutions for our ecommerce clients to make their websites faster, better, and more reliable. That means faster load times, easier navigation, and faster payments.

What’s good for your customers is good for you.

Get in touch with us today and let us know how we can help you earn more from your website.

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