Agile is a software development life cycle (SDLC) method that takes a flexible approach to software development, making adjustments and improvements throughout the entire project, and updating the plans as needed. This method allows for quick progress updates to clients while maintaining the time and flexibility for development teams to quickly make updates based on client feedback.

Some of Agile’s principles are based on the foundation and success of the teams working on the project. Building cross-functional teams that work together on a daily basis will set the groundwork for a successful project.

In Agile software development, work is completed in iterated cycles that typically range from two to four weeks, which are referred to as sprints. After each sprint, the project managers can review the progress to ensure the project is on schedule. This is also an ideal time to shift or prioritize based on the project timeline or client requests.


In 2001, a select group of software pioneers met to establish a new approach to software development. Together, they created the Agile Manifesto, which outlines the best practices for software development based on 12 principles derived from four key values. The Agile Manifesto may have been a greatly debated topic, but it certainly made a lasting impact on the software development industry.

The Agile Manifesto was created due to an overall frustration and discontentment with the standard practices at the time, primarily the Waterfall approach. Traditional approaches to software development were rigid, time-consuming, and costly. The Agile methodology opened the floodgates for new software development methods, serving as inspiration or a starting point for modern SDLC models.

When planning a project, project managers should be prepared for requirements or other pieces to change at any point. In Agile, change is a welcomed and expected part of the development process. By working in sprints, completed pieces of the product can be salvaged, and a change in requirements can be easily managed.


  • Flexibility – Agile offers development teams the ability to make regular progress on a project by working in sprints while making it simple to return to previous aspects of the project and make updates or improvements. It’s also ideal for projects with vague requirements, as they can be more clearly defined as the project progresses.
  • Collaboration – This method is built on the collaboration of different teams throughout the entire project life cycle. Agile promotes a culture of communication and improvement, which will benefit all teams involved.
  • Client Satisfaction – The nature of Agile allows regular updates and deliveries to the client, giving them a chance to provide feedback to ensure it meets their expectations. Using this method can build a valuable partnership with the client, as they can easily be updated on the project status and provide feedback throughout the development.


  • Communication – Agile heavily depends on real-time communication between the different teams involved and between the software developers working on the project. This can be a disadvantage if your company does not have clear guidelines and expectations on communication, especially in a remote setting.
  • Volatile Landscape – The flexibility of Agile can also serve as a disadvantage for project managers, as it’s difficult to keep a project on schedule with changes to requirements or unexpected roadblocks.


Due to the industry’s innovative nature, countless SDLC models and approaches have been established over the years. These models offer different approaches and processes based on what best fits the development team and project requirements. Here are six alternative approaches for software development.


The Waterfall model is considered to be the traditional approach to software development, as it uses a straightforward process that follows a step-by-step plan that doesn’t allow for deviation. The traditional Waterfall life cycle begins with requirements analysis and finishes with maintenance. As mentioned, all requirements and relevant information must be gathered during the first step before moving on to the next stage.

Once the development is completed, the entire project is tested from the beginning. If any changes are required, the process begins again from the first step. While the Waterfall method is an older approach that denies flexibility, it is a popular choice among government contractors and projects being completed for small businesses, which may have stricter budgets and timelines that don’t allow any deviance.


  • Outlined Approach – The strict approach of the Waterfall model makes it easy to create and manage a detailed plan for large projects. It also makes it easier to outline the development team’s expectations and deadlines throughout the project.
  • Clear Expectations – The first step of this SDLC is to define all requirements and expectations with the client clearly. Changes to the requirements are not expected in this model, so the teams are provided with precise deadlines and tasks for each stage of development.


  • Rigid Approach – The primary disadvantage of the Waterfall model is its rigidness. Unlike with the Agile method, once a step is completed and the team has moved on to the next phase, it’s challenging to go back and make any changes.
  • Time-Consuming – Since each phase has to be completed before moving on to the next one, this method can be slow to work through. Even if your team has the time and resources to move on, everyone has to wait for the previous step to be wrapped up.


Lean is similar to Agile, but where Agile prioritizes client satisfaction by being flexible, Lean instead focuses on eliminating waste to improve the overall value for the client. Inspired by lean manufacturing principles, the Lean SDLC model follows the following seven principles:

  • Eliminate Waste
  • Amplify Learning
  • Decide as Late as Possible
  • Deliver as Fast as Possible
  • Empower the Team
  • Build Integrity In
  • See the Whole

Lean discourages multitasking, instead focusing on working on what must be completed at that time. Also noted as the first principle, teams will be looking for ways to eliminate waste at every point during the project’s life cycle. This can be accomplished by canceling unproductive or unnecessary meetings or lessening the documentation needed.


  • Streamlined Approach – Since the nature of Lean is to eliminate waste and deliver the product as fast as possible, the project timeline will be well-planned. This supports teams in avoiding duplicating work or working on an abandoned task.
  • Value Packed – With the organization and time management involved with Lean, it allows the teams to create a product without wasting time or money. This stops the client from overpaying and the development teams from wasting time on unnecessary work.


  • Team Involvement – Lean heavily relies on team involvement and strong communication habits. The software developers will need to adapt to the team’s approach to successfully complete the project. There will also have to be clear communication between the development teams, especially if the work is completed in a remote environment.
  • Can be Paired – The Lean method can easily be applied to other methodologies to minimize waste and emphasize high-priority tasks. While it’s not a complete disadvantage to use Lean on its own, the same benefits can be reaped while using a different model at the same time.


Falling under the Agile methodology, Scrum is a project management framework that defines team structures, values, principles, and practices. Named after a rugby term referring to a team working toward a common goal, Scrum pushes teams to learn through experience and reflect on projects to improve continuously.

The Scrum method is ideal for projects with a high development process and frequent client communication and involvement. This method regularly monitors and reviews the software being developed, making it easy to update and involve the client at any time.


  • Defined Deadlines – Defining deadlines throughout the project helps motivate the development team and pushes them to complete and deliver their work on time. This benefits everyone included in the project as this lessens the chance of last-minute scrambles to deliver the final product on time.
  • Ideal for Large Projects Scrum is a good fit for large projects as they can be broken down into manageable sprints. Working in sprints makes it easier for client feedback and changes to be implemented, ensuring the client is satisfied with the final product.


  • Difficult for Large Teams – Communication is a significant factor for success in the Scrum method, causing it to work best when the teams involved are small—typically comprising of four to six team members. Every step taken throughout the project should be documented and addressed, which can be difficult if the team is too large.
  • Scope Creep – Unless there is a clear and definite end date for the project, additional client requests or requirements changes can impact the project’s scope. This can negatively affect the project’s success through the schedule, cost, and resource allocation.


Rapid Application Development (RAD) is an SDLC method that spends minimal time planning to focus on rapid prototyping. The prototype is a working model that is functionally equivalent to the final product. The primary goal of RAD is to develop software products in the least amount of time by following these five phases:

  • Business Modeling
  • Data Modeling
  • Process Modeling
  • Application Generation
  • Testing and Turnover

RAD is a common alternative to Agile because there is minimal planning at the beginning of the project, it’s easier to make any adjustments or changes during the development process. By working in prototypes, the application generation phase can be repeated until the client is satisfied with the final product.


  • Client Involvement – RAD is built around regular communication with the client and receiving input for changes. Since there is less planning at the start of the project, adapting to changing requirements and requests is a standard practice throughout the project, ensuring the client is satisfied with the product during development.
  • Ideal for Small Projects – When it comes to small projects, RAD can be a better option than Agile for your team. Since RAD focuses on prototyping instead of planning, it’s ideal for small-scale projects that won’t require extensive planning and requirements.


  • Highly Skilled Team – This method depends on the skills of the designers and developers on the project. The team must be equipped to quickly implement changes and develop new solutions on a regular basis to be successful.
  • Client Involvement – While this was listed as an advantage, it’s important to also point out the downside to requiring regular communication with the client. If the client is unsure when it comes to decision-making or does not communicate promptly, it can make the development process frustrating.


Feature-Driven Development (FDD) is ideal for large projects that require several months of planning and development. This method follows five basic steps to provide a manageable project life cycle.

  • Develop Overall Model
  • Build the Feature List
  • Plan by Feature
  • Design by Feature
  • Build by Feature

In Agile, the development process is managed through sprints, where FDD breaks development down by features. The development team will typically spend a couple of weeks on each feature and produce a fully functioning product by the end of the life cycle.


  • Good for Morale – This method is popular among development teams because it reduces two frustrations for developers, confusion and rework. FDD allows for project updates throughout the life cycle and makes it easy to discover and resolve errors promptly.
  • Scalable – FDD is an excellent option for large or long-term projects as it is easily scalable. Since the development is completed on a feature level, the client can easily add new features without rendering the previous work unusable.


  • Potential for Confusion – In this method, there is typically less documentation throughout the project. This can lead to confusion, as the development team will need a solid understanding of the project’s scope.
  • Limited Visibility – FDD breaks down the development on a feature level, making it challenging to see the project’s overall progress. This can also make it difficult for the client to see the progress and direction of the project.


While there are plenty of alternatives to Agile, choosing the method that best fits your project and team is essential. Some key factors to consider when choosing an SDLC model are the project’s scope, the type of work required, the client’s involvement, and your team’s current structure and work style.

Here at Geneca, we developed our unique variation of Agile to bring our culture of commitment and innovation to the project, completing our work on time and within budget. Our ability to adapt the Agile method allows us to work directly with our clients every step of the way, keeping the developers, analysts, and stakeholders updated on the project’s progress.

If you’re ready to take the first step on your software development project, reach out to Geneca today for a commitment-free consultation!