Understanding FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources)

With the growing use of technology in the healthcare industry, there was a need for patients and providers to exchange data in real-time. HL7’s Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard for telehealth data exchange outlines how patient data can be exchanged among computer systems. FHIR allows healthcare providers to securely access patient data in real time, improving patient care.

The Significance of FHIR in Healthcare

The healthcare industry manages a large amount of clinical data, and the way this information is shared and stored has an impact on patients, providers, and organizations. Without any proper data standards for organizations to follow, crucial and unstructured data was being lost in forgotten systems or physical medical records. This often left healthcare providers to care for their patients without a complete medical history.

Using HL7 FHIR resources to manage data sharing in the medical industry allows providers to access patient information and make informed decisions regarding their care. As a widely accepted interoperability framework, FHIR gives healthcare organizations a way to structure their software systems and clinical document architecture.

Advantages of FHIR Standards for Telehealth Data Exchange

Knowing how FHIR standards are being utilized in telehealth technology, let’s review a few of its advantages and how it can improve data quality across disparate systems.

Easily Exchange Data

Interoperability is essential to healthcare software as it enables healthcare providers to view and share patient records with other providers and organizations. FHIR uses a standard data model that sets up a simple information exchange between healthcare systems. With a complete patient history, providers can treat patients with informed decisions and improve patient outcomes.

Simple Integration

When building a healthcare software solution, developers must be able to integrate tools and systems into the product. Designed to be easy to integrate, FHIR resources are an optimum storage system format for healthcare data.

Scalable Aspects

Software is an ever-changing field, and the tools and resources used need to be scalable to account for this. FHIR resources were designed to adjust to shifts in both patients’ needs and software advances. This allows software developers to build scalable, lasting products for healthcare organizations.

How is FHIR Different from Other Data Exchange Interoperability Standards?

There are several standards for data interoperability for healthcare technology out there, but what sets FHIR apart? Here are a few key aspects that put FHIR ahead of the curve:

  • FHIR is easier to implement and scale than other data exchange standards because it’s built on flexible and reusable tools that can be adjusted based on the technology and healthcare use.
  • The FHIR standard recognizes that security and privacy are a priority for any entity in the healthcare sector. FHIR makes it simple for healthcare organizations to build their software systems to protect data elements during health information exchanges.
  • FHIR makes it easier for separate systems to interact and share patient data with web-based application programming interfaces (APIs).
  • With technology being an ever-evolving field, FHIR was designed to be scalable with future software development and healthcare trends.

Applications of FHIR in Telehealth

After reviewing what FHIR is and what its benefits are, let’s take a look at a few applications of FHIR in telehealth.

Fewer Implementation Limitations

FHIR was designed to be widely used across platforms and organizations, which makes it easy to integrate into new and existing systems. With this lack of restrictions, FHIR standards can be utilized by all entities in the medical industry, from providers to businesses. Additionally, this flexibility can contribute to the scalability of the software, making it easier to maintain in the long run as requirements change.

Improved Patient Data Management

Healthcare data can include a wide variety of information across several specialties and providers. FHIR resources can help store and manage patient information for multiple data formats, including lab reports, imaging records, and insurance claims. Being able to coordinate care with data sharing is a game changer and will have a significant impact on a patient’s future care.

Improving Care Coordination

FHIR standards can support healthcare providers through tools such as electronic health records (EHR) integration and remote patient monitoring.

Electronic health records are a telehealth staple, as they serve as a comprehensive digital record of a patient’s health history, regardless of the data sources. APIs can integrate with various EHR systems to allow remote access to third-party apps such as patient portals or web apps.

Remote patient monitoring is a beneficial tool to remotely monitor a patient’s health using sensors and telemedicine technology. APIs can be used to securely exchange patient data to a telemedicine app for the provider to monitor in real time.

Developing telehealth software with FHIR integration in mind will set the app up for long-term success. Healthcare providers are able to improve patients’ outcomes from informed decision-making made possible by a comprehensive medical history.

Partner With Geneca Today

Telehealth technology is the future of healthcare, and using the right technology and standards early on is the key to a scalable solution. If you’re looking for interoperability or FHIR support to surpass industry leaders, contact Geneca today! Our team of experts is experienced in healthcare technology and is ready to partner together to build a solution for your organization.