Technology is revolutionizing the world all around us. From using the cloud to store data and information to robots delivering food at your favorite restaurant, technology is creating innovative new experiences.

Industrial settings are no exception. Technology is used to enhance and expedite industrial processes leading to an increase in uptime and higher output. As technological advances continue to break new horizons, we can look to industry to see how technology can improve and enhance our lives.

While manufacturing may call to mind images of model Ts on conveyer belts, the industrial sector has adapted to leverage technological advances through automation solutions and IoT.

What is Automation in IoT?

IoT, or the Internet of Things app development, is an interconnected network of controllers, sensors, and devices that all connect to reduce costs and create flawless processes. IoT technology is key in creating automated processes.

Automation in IoT addresses the concerns of uptime and breakdown in the industrial and manufacturing industries. Automation in IoT reduces operating expenditures and brings together data sources for reporting and analysis. Rather than having a foreman standing on a plant floor waiting for a red light to flash, the system is displayed at their fingertips. Industrial IOT usually goes hand in hand with custom software for manufacturing and tracking

The industrial automation sector has only scratched the surface of what the IoT can offer. Understanding what the IoT does for industrial automation is a start in uncovering a future of profit and growth for industrial settings.

What does IoT do for Industrial Automation?

IoT is an interconnected system of controllers, sensors, and devices that connect together. Industrial IoT (IIoT) enables connected devices to communicate with one another to create streamlined communications and ensure frictionless processes. It is also key for real time equipment management software

IoT technologies share information about performance and condition and can be remotely accessed to increase uptime and reduce in-efficiencies.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Automation

Industrial automation helps to re-imagine manufacturing by engaging in a digital industrial transformation. Manufacturing processes rely on predictive analysis to ensure that uptime remains high and resources and time are not wasted.

Automated industrial settings are all around. Many manufacturing companies are engaging in digital transformation journeys to connect their computers and robotics to perform machine processes quicker and more accurately than a human is able to.

Industrial automation does have its advantages. Industrial automation companies are able to help businesses increase productivity, improve quality, and have better control over their processes and products.

Cyber hacker attempting to hack


Industrial automation has many clear advantages. Industrial equipment is complicated and expensive to maintain. One single bolt can throw off an entire line and ruin an untold amount of product and revenue.

Scale Production

Data acquisition informs organizations about trends and opportunities in production. With more information and understanding, organizations can increase their efficiency and output in production.

System uptime

System uptime is a major benefit of industrial automation. Industrial IoT utilizes machine learning to predict system errors and top them before they happen. Moreover, the use of industrial automation means that many of the limitations brought on by humans are a thing of the past.

Machines don’t need to take a break or rest, nor are they concerned with workplace safety. Instead, automated processes mean that workers are able to act proactively and meet their own needs without sacrificing uptime.

Operational efficiency

Investing in automated processes is a largely worthwhile investment. The Industrial IoT integrates systems, engages in data collection, and empowers organizations to make operational improvements.

Workers are not cut out of the equation by industrial automation. Far from it! Human-machine interfaces, or HMI, connect machines and workers and put plant floor operations in control of industrial processes.

HMIs provide operators with an abundance of information to ensure that mechanical performance is at its best.

computer hardware, memory cards


Industrial IoT is changing the game in manufacturing. One of the most important advantages of IIoT solutions is creating a safer working environment. IoT sensors collect data and analyze it to predict and detect machine failures and alert others to the failures before they can cause harm.

Security and Control

The industrial internet helps organizations to detect system weaknesses and attacks. The industrial IoT can act quickly when both psychical and cyber attacks occur. Sensors can detect unwanted attacks and prevent access by closing channels, locking up systems, and alerting necessary personnel.


While the industrial internet has enormous potential, there are disadvantages to fundamentally updating the system, including more attack vectors, internet dependence, fail points, and added system complexity.

Attack Vectors

With added devices and connectivity, there are more points of attack. Cyber security is wildly important for any organization leveraging IIoT.

Internet Dependent

IoT applications are endless, but they all rely on cloud computing and internet decency. Connecting all systems, machines, and edge devices means something as simple as the internet going down, or connectivity issues can stifle the whole system.

Failure Points

As with any complex system, there are practices to help overcome weaknesses and failure points. Reducing redundancies and dividing up systems help to address system failure points and reduce downtime.

Planning, building, and management complexity

Addressing failure points requires planning and management to ensure that the system does not fail. Be sure to involve skilled system engineers to ensure that these systems operate at peak potential.

Impact of IoT on Industrial Automation

IoT paired with computerized automation streamlines and improve processes. Increasing industrial automation reduces risk and errors, and helps to reduce inefficiencies that waste time, money, and resources.

Types of Industrial Automation Systems

There are four general types of industrial IoT systems that build upon one another to create integrated systems. As systems become more complex, added layers are needed to make the most informed decisions.

Fixed Automation System

Fixed automation systems are those simple tasks once completed by people. These are typically simple, repetitive tasks that machines can perform at higher speed and accuracy.

Programmable Automation System

Fixed automation systems such as conveyer belts, packing equipment, and the like are not customizable. Programmable automated systems, on the other hand, allow you to customize automated systems to meet your needs more specifically.

Flexible Automation System

Similar to programmable systems, flexible automation systems allow for individual product customization. Flexible systems are able to be adjusted while continuing to process jobs. Flexible automation is typically used in batch processes for smaller volumes, unlike programmable systems used for large volumes.

Integrated Automated System

Finally, integrated automation systems connect all systems within a manufacturing plant and wholly connect the individual systems. Not only do integrated automated systems connect singular plants, but they also connect plants and systems for large systems.

Where’s IoT Used in Industrial Automation Today?

The industrial IoT is creating innovative solutions to many of today’s manufacturing problems. Using IIoT allows companies to make proactive interventions and decisions that act as a force multiplier and drive revenue.

Connected devices are set to exceed 75 billion by 2025. Some of the world’s largest companies are leading the charge to create smart, automated systems. Amazon, Walmart, and Levi are all using automated systems to streamline processes and drive revenue.

Amazon leverages Kiva’s technology to optimize workflow and reduce operating costs. Walmart uses similar technology to monitor inventory and reduce friction in workflows. As you look ahead to the future of your company, consider how you can leverage IoT in industrial automation processes.

How Geneca Can Help

If you are looking to grow your organization by utilizing the IoT, we can help. IoT has so much potential to revolutionize your business processes, and we are here to help connect you with the right technical solutions. Partnering with Geneca means creating solutions that fit your unique needs.