Understanding the Manufacturing Software Market

The manufacturing industry experienced its own digital transformation, gradually adopting new technology to modernize operations. With the help of custom manufacturing software, manufacturers are able to increase machine utilization, which allows them to save time and money with reduced manpower.

Challenges that keep a manufacturing business from adopting new software can vary from investment needs to troubles integrating with legacy systems. When facing these challenges, it’s important to find a software development company that is well-equipped to take on your project and is guaranteed to not go over budget.

Some examples of manufacturing software solutions that benefit businesses include:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Equipment Management Software
  • Accounts to machine floor management
  • Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
  • Time tracking and scheduling
  • Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
  • Inventory Management
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
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Detailed Evaluation of Software Features

Manufacturing software can be customized to meet the unique needs of each manufacturer, but some features are typical across the board. Let’s take a look at some of these features that businesses are utilizing.

Analysis of Core Functionalities in Manufacturing Software

An effective ERP system is only as good as its core functions. Let’s review some core functions that allow businesses to improve manufacturing operations.

  • Inventory Management: Building an ERP system with inventory management functions allows businesses to access real-time data into their inventory. This allows manufacturers to have better control in identifying product shortages, trends in order management, and insight into inventory costs.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Industrial equipment is an essential factor in manufacturing processes, and manufacturing software has evolved to keep these machines running. Most equipment and machines are now being built with connected IIoT sensors that constantly monitor their health, sending an alert when issues are identified. With the ability to catch issues before they become critical breakdowns, maintenance can be completed off-hours to ensure no disruption to operations.
  • Production Visibility: Using manufacturing ERP software can allow an executive team to gain valuable insight into production management and warehouse management. The data gathered through machines, equipment, and employees can provide insight that allows managers to optimize production schedules to improve efficiency while producing high-quality products. This data can also identify areas that can be automated, improving production costs and efficiency.
  • Safer Working Conditions: The data gathered with manufacturing software can improve working conditions, making it a safer environment for employees. Sensors can be used to monitor temperature conditions and air quality, making it easy to prevent gas leaks, fire hazards, and heat-related conditions.
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The Importance of Scalability

With how quickly the software and manufacturing industry can change, it’s crucial to build a manufacturing ERP system that is highly scalable. Custom software is an investment, and most manufacturing businesses will be concerned about the return on investment (ROI). Building a scalable solution will ensure the ERP solution can be used long-term.

The Influence of Advanced Features – Automation and IIoT

One aspect of ERP solutions that appeals to business leaders is the ability to integrate advanced technology, such as automation and IIoT. Automation holds plenty of appeal in manufacturing, as it speeds up business processes, reduces the risk of human error, and optimizes operational workflows.

IIoT technology provides businesses with real-time visibility into operations, using sensors and devices to gather and analyze data. This data allows businesses to reduce waste, optimize workflows, and improve customer satisfaction.

Cost Considerations for Manufacturing Software

While manufacturing software comes with endless benefits, it can often be difficult for businesses to justify the high adoption costs. Let’s take a look at some of the considerations that should be made when shopping around for software solutions.

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Understanding Pricing Models in the Market

The pricing model of manufacturing software will ultimately depend on the software development company and the features of the solution. Factors that impact the overall cost include the size of the business, the number of users, and advanced technology integration capabilities.

Hidden Costs and Potential Financial Implications

When discussing solutions with a software development company, it’s important to be thorough to reduce the risk of hidden costs. Added features and functions could increase the overall cost of the ERP software, especially if added after the development process has started.

When integrating new and advanced technology into manufacturing operations, it’s essential to consider the amount of training that will be needed. Depending on the software development company, training sessions and materials may come at an additional cost.

It’s also important to consider maintenance and support needs after the solution is integrated into operations. After the software is live and in use, businesses can identify defects or unexpected complications that the software development company will need to fix. These efforts will likely come with additional costs that can add up if not considered from the beginning.

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Implementation and Compliance With Standards

When developing manufacturing software, it’s critical to ensure robust data security measures and compliance with industry regulations.

Taking into Account Software Updates and Upgrades

To keep the software solution running smoothly, it’s important to regularly update the software and incorporate upgrades when needed. This will ensure the manufacturing management software is compatible with new devices and able to perform throughout the entire operations production process.

The scalability of the solution comes into play here. If the solution isn’t scalable, it becomes difficult to make upgrades, and it will cost more to implement changes than if it were built to be scalable.

Significance of Regulatory Compliance in Software Selection

Depending on the industry, manufacturing companies may be required to comply with industry-specific regulations. For example, pharmaceutical and aerospace manufacturers must be in compliance with regulatory laws. In these cases, software development companies will have to build a robust data security system to secure sensitive data.

Role of Software in Data Security and Privacy Compliance

Regardless of the industry, data security and privacy are a priority for software development companies. It’s critical to build ERP systems that can stand up to cyber threats, such as malware and data leaks. Some steps that can be taken to ensure security include:

  • Tracking manufacturing devices to reduce the risk of them being stolen or lost
  • Performing regular risk assessments to identify risks before they become a concern
  • Using encryption throughout the software
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Are you ready to build a custom manufacturing software solution for your business? Geneca is ready to get to work! We value our partnerships with our clients and will listen to you every step of the way. Contact us today for a commitment-free consultation.