What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of technology to provide remote healthcare services and information between patients and healthcare professionals. Telehealth software improves access to healthcare services for people who live in remote areas, have mobility or transportation issues, or have other barriers to accessing healthcare.

In recent years, telehealth software technology has rapidly emerged as a game-changing tool in the healthcare industry. Telehealth technology has become increasingly popular, partially due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as it allows patients to receive medical care in a remote setting.

Why is Telehealth Technology Important?

Telehealth technology has the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery by making it more accessible, convenient, and cost-effective. Utilizing telehealth technology can improve patient outcomes in several ways, including:

Increased Access to Healthcare

Telehealth technology can help patients access care and overcome geographic, transportation, and additional barriers that prevent people from seeking out healthcare services. Patients can receive care from the comfort of their own homes without needing to travel long distances to see a healthcare provider.

Improved Convenience and Efficiency

Using telehealth technology can save time and reduce the need for in-person appointments, making healthcare more convenient and efficient for patients and healthcare providers.

Lower Healthcare Costs

With telehealth technology, healthcare costs can be reduced by eliminating the need for in-person appointments, reducing hospital readmissions, and enabling earlier detection and treatment of health problems.

Better Patient-Health Outcomes

Patient outcomes can be improved when using telehealth technology by providing more frequent and timely monitoring of health conditions, increasing patient engagement and satisfaction, and enabling earlier detection and treatment of health problems.

Pandemic Response

The COVID-19 pandemic increased the use of telehealth technology when many people were unable or unwilling to make an in-person visit. It can help reduce the spread of infectious diseases by enabling remote healthcare delivery.

Types of Telehealth Technology

Telehealth technology comes in many forms based on the type of service required. Let’s take a look at a few examples of telehealth technology:

Real-Time Videoconferencing Software

Real-time audio/video appointments, also called synchronous telehealth, involve videoconferencing software to provide real-time remote consultations between patients and health care providers. This type of telehealth allows patients to receive care from their homes, eliminating the need to travel to a healthcare facility.

During an audio/visual visit, the healthcare provider can conduct assessments, diagnose medical conditions, and provide treatment recommendations, all in real time. Patients can also ask questions and receive immediate feedback.

Real-time audio/video appointments can be conducted through various platforms, including video conferencing software, web-based portals, and mobile applications. These platforms can be secure and compliant with healthcare privacy regulations to protect patient information, ensuring they are HIPAA compliant.

Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

Electronic health records (EHRs) are digital copies of patient medical records that include information about their medical history, diagnoses, medications, and treatments. EHRs are used by healthcare providers to manage patient care and can be accessed and shared by authorized healthcare providers across different healthcare settings.

By leveraging technology to digitize medical records, healthcare providers can improve the quality of care they provide to their patients. Benefits of electronic health records include:

  • Improved Patient Safety: EHRs can reduce medication errors by providing healthcare providers with real-time access to patient medication lists, allergies, and other relevant health information.
  • Increased Efficiency: Administrative tasks can be streamlined using EHRs, such as appointment scheduling and billing, allowing healthcare providers to spend more time on patient care.
  • Improved Care Coordination: EHRs can improve care coordination among healthcare providers by allowing them to easily share patient information, test results, and treatment plans.
  • Enhanced Data Analytics: By using EHRs, you can collect and analyze large amounts of health data, which can be used to identify trends, monitor population health, and improve clinical outcomes.
  • Improved Patient Engagement: Patient engagement can be improved with the use of EHRs by giving patients access to their health information, allowing them to review their medical records, track their progress, and communicate with their healthcare providers.


Store-and-forward involves transmitting patient information, such as medical images, videos, or other diagnostic information, between healthcare providers at different times. Unlike real-time audio/video appointments, store-and-forward telehealth programs do not require simultaneous interaction between the patient and the healthcare provider.

How does it work? A patient’s health information is captured and stored in a secure electronic system. The healthcare provider can then access the information at a later time and use it to diagnose medical conditions or provide treatment recommendations.

This type of technology is particularly beneficial for healthcare specialties that rely heavily on diagnostic images or videos, such as dermatology or radiology. By transmitting images or videos asynchronously, healthcare providers can save time by reviewing patient information at their convenience rather than having to schedule a real-time encounter with the patient.

Store-and-forward telehealth services are typically conducted through secure messaging systems or web-based portals. These systems ensure that patient information is protected and compliant with HIPAA regulations.

Remote Patient-Monitoring Devices

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) devices are a type of telehealth technology that allows healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients’ health and well-being. Remote monitoring devices can be used to collect various data, such as vital signs, medication adherence, and symptoms, and transmit that information to their primary care provider in real time.

Examples of RPM devices include:

  • Blood glucose monitors for patients with diabetes
  • Blood pressure monitors, pulse oximeters, weight scales, and ECG monitors
  • Fitness trackers or wearable heart rate monitors

By using RPM devices, healthcare providers can track a patient’s health status over time and detect changes or trends that may indicate a need for intervention. RPM can also help to reduce hospital admissions and readmissions by allowing healthcare providers to identify and address health issues before they become critical.

RPM devices transmit patient data to healthcare providers using secure networks or cloud-based platforms. This data can be integrated into the patient’s electronic health record for easy access by healthcare providers. RPM devices can also be combined with other telehealth technologies, such as video conferencing, to enable virtual consultations and remote care coordination.


Telepharmacy is the provision of pharmaceutical care and medication management services through remote communication technology, such as videoconferencing or phone calls. With telepharmacy, pharmacists can provide medication-related services to patients in underserved areas with limited access to a local pharmacy.

Benefits of telepharmacy include:

  • Reduced Medication Errors: By utilizing telepharmacy services, pharmacists can remotely review medication orders and patient medical histories, reducing the likelihood of medication errors.
  • Improved Medication Adherence: With telepharmacy, pharmacists can remotely monitor patient medication adherence and provide counseling to ensure patients take their medications as prescribed.
  • Improved Patient Outcomes: Telepharmacy can help improve patient outcomes by ensuring patients receive appropriate medication therapy and monitoring.
  • Cost Savings: Healthcare costs can be reduced using telepharmacy by removing the need for patients to travel long distances to access pharmacy services and lowering the risk of medication errors that can result in hospitalization or other medical interventions.

Telehealth Resource Centers (TRCs)

Telehealth resource centers (TRCs) are organizations that provide education, training, and technical assistance to healthcare providers and organizations to facilitate the adoption and implementation of telehealth services and technologies. These centers are typically funded by the federal government and serve as a resource for healthcare providers and organizations across the United States.

TRCs play an essential role in promoting the use of telehealth, particularly in underserved areas where access to healthcare services may be limited. By providing education and technical assistance, TRCs help to ensure that healthcare providers and organizations have the knowledge and resources they need to implement telehealth technologies and services effectively. This can improve access to care, reduce healthcare costs, and improve health outcomes for patients.

Applications of Telehealth Services

The applications of telehealth technology are constantly expanding and evolving as new technologies and innovations emerge. Telehealth has the potential to improve access to healthcare services across various healthcare specialties, making it a valuable tool for healthcare providers and patients alike. Some standard applications of telehealth technology include:

  • Primary Care and Cronic Disease Management: Telehealth can be used to provide primary care services, including virtual consultations and remote patient monitoring, for patients with chronic conditions.
  • Behavioral Health Care: Mental health services can be provided using telehealth technology for patients with mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety.
  • Remote Patient Monitoring: Telehealth can remotely monitor patients’ health vital signs and symptoms and provide further medical care and interventions as needed.
  • Specialist Consultations Medical Professionals: Medical specialists, such as pediatricians and radiologists, can use telehealth services to provide consultations to patients in underserved areas.
  • Patient Education: A health care professional can use telehealth platforms to provide patients with medical education materials to help them better understand their personal health conditions and make informed decisions about their healthcare.
  • Urgent Health Care Services and Triage: Telehealth can support urgent care and triage services for patients who need immediate medical attention through virtual urgent care visits and remote triage assessments.

Telehealth technology has brought about significant changes in how healthcare services are delivered, with numerous applications and benefits. As the world continues to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, it offers an alternative to traditional healthcare services that is convenient, accessible, and cost-effective. As software and tech continue to evolve, telehealth technology will undoubtedly continue to grow and transform healthcare in ways that were once unimaginable.

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How Geneca Can Help

By partnering with Geneca, you’ll have access to a team of developers and analysts with extensive understanding and experience in the healthcare industry. If you’re ready to leverage telehealth technology in your healthcare business and tangibly impact patient outcomes, reach out to Geneca today for a commitment-free consultation!